She told me that
She hates, hates, hates
Hated religion
All that god-stuff
And nonsense
She wrapped her religion
A loose ribbon
Of gold, glittered love
Around anorexic arms
Of forgiving forgetfulness
Lips forget the rote
Remembered method
One word, certain before
The other, the next
I heard her cry
In her sleep
Words of garbled
Warbled, penitent cries
"Why did I believe?"
"Why did you lie to me?"
And she screams of death
I see her in that dark room
Arms held before her
She held a grip
Gripped on to
The truth of death
Was what had frightened her
The fear of ever darkness
In smooth-grain pews
At a poor man's pedestal
To gods ears
Mouthing pleas of measured
Moaning beseechment
All that tipped from upturned lip
Was that they had lied
She hates, hates, hates
Hated religion
All that god-stuff
And nonsense
She wrapped her religion
A loose ribbon
Of gold, glittered love
Around anorexic arms
Of forgiving forgetfulness
Lips forget the rote
Remembered method
One word, certain before
The other, the next
I heard her cry
In her sleep
Words of garbled
Warbled, penitent cries
"Why did I believe?"
"Why did you lie to me?"
And she screams of death
I see her in that dark room
Arms held before her
She held a grip
Gripped on to
The truth of death
Was what had frightened her
The fear of ever darkness
In smooth-grain pews
At a poor man's pedestal
To gods ears
Mouthing pleas of measured
Moaning beseechment
All that tipped from upturned lip
Was that they had lied